Happy Fall

Autumn in Ohio has been so beautiful this year! 
I love Fall.
I love seasons.
Nimisila Reservoir Autumn view
I love Ohio!


Snap said…
Beautiful! Love the reflection. Colors are amazing!
Unknown said…
Very beautiful Adrienne. I love Pennsylvania's fall this year as well. Stunning. Just gorgeous. The weather this weekend was nothing short of heavenly : )
And they say it is going to be even nicer this week! Yay for wonderful falls! Sending love, Becky
Anonymous said…
Oh, please take lots of pics and post them! It has been dry as a bone here in Georgia, especially since August. Our creek (you know, Life by the CREEK?)is almost dry. And the lack of rain is causing the leaves to go from green to crispy brown, completely bypassing color. :<( So, I shall live my fall vicariously through you this year....
Valerie said…
Beautiful reflection and colors. I think the rains we got earlier in the summer helped to make the colors so beautiful this year!. Our Western NY trees have been spectacular as well.

You are all still heavy in my prayers!
Janice K said…
Great colors! I think this Fall while nice and warm here in Indiana is not as colorful due to the lack of rain.
Kelly said…
...Oh my gosh....you do have color up there! I love the reflection you captured. Unfortunately down here in the sw corner, we have dead, brown leaves, but reds, golds, and oranges pop up hear and there. it's beautiful but muted...
a beautiful photo! Fall is such a lovely season, and this year it's been especially wonderful.
I do have to agree with Kelly (above), but I have seen more color than I expected.
Kerri Farley said…
Oh, this is GORGEOUS my friend!
Lona said…
Hi Adrienne. I am so glad you got that beautiful picture. The wind today is taking down the leaves fast. It love the reflection of the colors on the water in this image.
Deejbrown said…
I keep hearing about Ohio this and that. One of these days, I've got to get me out there. I thought it was all flat (hardly any trees) but then, most people think NJ is all the highway.
Adrienne Zwart said…
Oh, Diane, you most definitely need to visit. I can show you all sorts of beautiful places!
Anita Johnson said…
We have had an outstanding fall too. Even today we were able to finish the work in our fields and still enjoy being outside. And to think only 7 more weeks until the days stop getting shorter at night...I might just make it if the weather keeps like this for awhile! Beautiful picture!
FAB said…
Glorious colours. FAB.
Joanne Olivieri said…
That reflection is so crisp and clear and just beautiful

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