Prairie Wildflowers (SWF)
Boettler Park
This prairie/wetland conservation area is part of our local park. It features a walking path and bluebird trail. The kids and I enjoyed our morning walk here listening to the frogs and birds, pausing every so often so that I could take a photo.
There is a pond in the center which is hidden by the cattails and other water-loving plants. I'm not sure what the purple flowers are but they look a lot like the lizard-tail plants I have in my bog garden. Only those have white flowers. Hmm, and what are the wispy plants intermingled here? I need to get out the wildflower field guide and do some research.
This section of the park is a lovely place to watch bluebirds, tree swallows, red-winged blackbirds, and various insects.
The goldfinches were very entertaining as they feasted on the seeds from coreopsis and black-eyed-susan.
And lastly, here's another flower I do not know. Where is that field guide?
As you can see from the first photo, we had some cloudy skies this week. I don't really mind as it makes good diffuse light. Want to see other skies from around the world? Check out Skywatch Friday.
Have a wonderful 4th.
Love the first image! I want to walk right in.
I also was pleasantly pleased to see that little finch. He just made that shot. :)
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
The fishing was unproductive but that wasn't what the trip was about.