...beautiful photo. Always one of my favorite birds, especially in winter. I love walking through the woods when it's cold and hearing their funny little call. He's a cutie!
Don't you just love watching this bird. It is so quick and can bend into the strangest positions. Scamper up side down on limbs and sides of trees like nothing. I really get tickled at watching them.
I love these little birds, Adrienne.. They will come to the feeders even when I am out there. No fear---and they are always chattering. CUTE, aren't they????
Hey Adrienne! I love your bird. I have a bird question for you. We have a nest in the little tree outside our door. Last night there were 4 baby birds. Today there was a dead one on the sidewalk and only 1 left in the nest. I can see that it is alive. Do you know what is going on with them? I am worried!
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful capture!
Anonymous said…
adrienne - lovely nuthatch - I love those little guys!
The cowbird is still following the chipping sparrow around this morning and this afternoon. It is about 3 times as big.