White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch photo by Adrienne in Ohio


Kelly said…
...beautiful photo. Always one of my favorite birds, especially in winter. I love walking through the woods when it's cold and hearing their funny little call. He's a cutie!
Lona said…
Don't you just love watching this bird. It is so quick and can bend into the strangest positions. Scamper up side down on limbs and sides of trees like nothing. I really get tickled at watching them.
I love these little birds, Adrienne.. They will come to the feeders even when I am out there. No fear---and they are always chattering. CUTE, aren't they????

Grammy said…
That is a wonderful photo of the adorable bird. I do not think we have that one her in Missouri.
Anonymous said…
Nice photo. I really like these birds. I have only seen one nuthatch this year so far.

The cowbird is still following the chipping sparrow around this morning and this afternoon. It is about 3 times as big.
Deejbrown said…
Great photo of the WBNuthatch! I love how they "go down the chimney up!"
Unknown said…
Hey Adrienne! I love your bird. I have a bird question for you. We have a nest in the little tree outside our door. Last night there were 4 baby birds. Today there was a dead one on the sidewalk and only 1 left in the nest. I can see that it is alive. Do you know what is going on with them? I am worried!
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful capture!
Anonymous said…
adrienne - lovely nuthatch - I love those little guys!
Wow! So striking!
Unknown said…
This is beautiful! I love that name. Cool as can be! Nut hatch!

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