Blue Jays

As I promised yesterday, here are some photos of the blue jay and her nest.

blue jay mom sitting on nest - photo by Adrienne in Ohio

blue jay mom feeding babies photo by Adrienne in Ohio

I have only seen one mouth so far, but then I can't see the entire nest from my vantage point out on the deck.

Well, gotta scoot...I'm late putting out the mealworms today.


Femin Susan said…
glad seeing a blue jay's nest...
trully enchating
Janie said…
Great shots of the mother bird. We have a swallow nest on the porch, but they're so close to the ceiling I don't think they'll be easy to photo.
Hi Adrienne, We've got alot of Bluejays areound here--but I've never seen their nests... You got some great photos.
Willow said…
I dropped by from FeminSusan's blog when I saw you are from Ohio. My dd just moved there and I was in Ohio earlier this week for a visit. Saw lots of white tailed deer and groundhogs.
Wow this one is nice !!really loved the way she is feeding!! Great..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan
Anonymous said…
I have never seen a blue jay nest but I got the parents here now feeding a baby that looks almost identical to them. I guess that is normal. It is not as demanding as some other baby birds.

I took a series of photos of one eating half of a peanut while perched on a limb. How it kept its toes curled around the peanut and only lifting the toe to pinch off a piece.

I like your bird photos a lot.
Baruch said…
You are so fortunate to have such a wealth of bird life
Unknown said…
So wonderfully exciting! I love this! : ).
Adrienne Zwart said…
I believe there are two babies. Yesterday, I was weeding in the bed under her tree, and I saw the mother alternating between two upstretched mouths.

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