Friendship–I ♥ Faces Challenge

There’s nothing quite like a cross-country road trip to bring out sibling rivalry, and we had our share of tense moments.  But we had a lot of great moments together, too.  And so I am sharing a photo of one of the friendly moments from our trip. I hope that my kids will be great friends even when they are grown.


Unknown said…
Such a beautiful shot! There is nothing as beautiful as siblings getting along! LOL :)
Kel said…
Very nice! They definitely look like they're enjoying each other here. :-)
Unknown said…
They are so cute. I hope they grow up to be the best of friends!
Alisa DeShano said…
With you as their mom, Adrienne, I'm sure they will be!
Lona said…
That is such a great shot Adrienne.
It is just being cooped up in a car I think.LOL! How many times did you hear the 'are we there yet?' LOL! I am sure they will be great friends.
Adrienne Zwart said…
LOL, Lona. I didn't count, but I did notice it was usually Henry that asked. He is my planner and always had getting to the hotel pool before bedtime on his mind!
Snap said…
Wonderful and I've been enjoying all the butterfly shots!
Anonymous said…
I love the whole shot, Adrienne! The background will continue to remind you that those smiles were hard-won (and maybe few and far between!). I love travelling with my boy, but then again, there are no sibs with whom he can argue. I suppose the best thing to say is "Yay... looks like you made it!"
Fabulous photo, Adrienne... Sibling rivalry is normal. Your kids are all gorgeous.
Janice K said…
As you recall this trip in years to come, I have a feeling it will be all the good things about it that will be remembered. Your family is growing up and they are precious!
Cassy said…
Lovely kids. I also like their photo.

Cassy from Guitar Made Easy

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