
dragonfly on grapevine
Dragonfly on Grapevine July 2010
For my mom who loves dragonflies
Happy 60th Birthday!


Snap said…
Your shots have just been spectacular. The water lilies and now the dragonfly. Happy Birthday to Your Mom!
Misty DawnS said…
Happy Birthday to your mom! Anybody who loves dragonflies is O.K. in my book! :-D
Adrienne Zwart said…
Testing, after having lost comments earlier today...
Happy Birthday to your MOM, Adrienne... What a neat picture --especially for a dragonfly lover like your Mama... Hope she (and you) have a wonderful day.
Kerri Farley said…
Happy Birthday to you Mom!! She's just getting into middle age :) My Dad will be 87 tomorrow :)
Love the dragonfly shot!
Anonymous said…
Amazing what these creatures can do with those wings.

Thanks for your visit to my blog post about the sunflower being wrecked by the squirrelrs.

I am not going to be able to save the sunflower as we did all we could for it last night and this morning it looks even worse.
Judy said…
I love the light on the grape leaves, and both of the water lilies are gorgeous!!!
EG CameraGirl said…
How lovely for your mother!
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday to your Mom! I hope she has the most wonderful of days.

Praying for you today Adrienne. I hope this weekend is very special!

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