Camera Critters – Chick
Ethan’s class has been raising chicks for their science unit at school. They patiently waited and charted as the eggs incubated for 21 days. He was so excited to tell me that they candled the eggs one day to see the chicks inside. (The teacher held the eggs in front of the projector light, producing a shadow of the embryos inside the eggs.) Some eggs never developed, and they called these “breakfast eggs.”
Well, last Tuesday, the first of the chicks began to hatch. They named the first one “Sunlight.” I was impressed. I would have expected “Fluffy” or “Fuzzball” or something more like a nickname—these are Kindergarteners, after all. But “Sunlight” it was, a perfect reference to a ball of bright yellow fluff.
Their feathers are growing in now. I got to see them yesterday while I volunteered for the afternoon. I love the little cheeping sound they make, and they are so cute running around their cage. “Sunlight” is Ethan’s favorite, so I had to take a photo for him.
I’m looking forward to checking out the other entries over at Camera Critters. It’s been a couple of weeks since I participated.
Have a great weekend. How is Jeff?
and the feet - I love the feet!
By the way, if you want to widen your sidebar, you can go to the layout section, and click on the width button dealy. I think that's what it was called. I think it's the last one.