Bluebird Boxes

My bluebird houses are still empty. :(  This rustic one at the local park already has a nesting pair, so I know that bluebirds are back in our area.  I wonder what else I can do to attract them to my nest boxes.  I think I shall put out raisins and then head out to purchase some more mealworms today.


Lona said…
That is strange that you have no Blue birds yet Adrienne. Both my boxes have a pair. The meal worms just my do the trick.
Adrienne - my sister just gave me a bluebird box - I have been remiss in puting out seed - since the deer have been eating it all.

The blue birds really like the fruit suet from wal mart.
I'm going to try and get my box up this weekend - I am probably too late - but it's worth a try anyway!

Good to see you posting. Hope you are holding together.
Unknown said…
You are so smart! Who knew. Raisins? Mealworms?
: )
I've always had them until this spring. I got a new nestbox--and for some reason, the blues didn't take it.. One never knows why they take one house and not another.. Have you been on the official Bluebird website? They talk alot about how to attract bluebirds, where to put the nestboxes, etc... You may want to read that info....

Good Luck, Adrienne.
EG CameraGirl said…
Good luck, Adrienne. I would love to have bluebirds too but I haven't even seen any yet at the nest boxes on our country roads.
Anonymous said…
Bought two new boxes this year and hung them on our fence. A bluebird spent a lot of mornings sitting above one of the boxes, but never stayed :( We have a nice habitat here. Don't know what the secret is. There are many of them at our local park.

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