Striped Wintergreen

wintergreenStriped Wintergreen  (Chimaphila maculata)
Another find from my walk earlier this week, this Striped Wintergreen (a.k.a. “Spotted Wintergreen”) will bear waxy, white blooms again in June.  The woody orb atop the plant is the seed capsule left over from last summer’s flower.


Snap said…
Beautiful! Walks are very good things!
squirrel said…
I love the smell of those leaves. Yum!
heidiannie said…
That is beautiful! I love taking early Spring hikes and looking for emerging wild flowers and plants. Thanks for sharing this one- is it a small leaf? I can't get a perspective on the size.
Hi Adrienne, I love that Striped Wintergreen... I hope you will show it again when it blooms.

Glad you could get out and take a walk.
Adrienne Zwart said…
Heidiannie, I'd have to say these were about 1.5" long. Maybe 2" The field guide states that they can be from 3/4 to 3" long. The flower when it blooms is about 1/2" across.
Anita Johnson said…
We must be a few weeks behind you here in Wisconsin. I've been looking for skunk cabbages, but nothing yet. This week I saw my first blue bird...spring must be around the corner. Your photos are beautiful, I originally found your blog on I love faces.
Oh that's cool! I don't know if I seen these before.
I was riding my bike today and noticing all the beautiful wildflowers along the path and into the woods. Of course I didn't have my camera.

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