Little Blue Heron - Camera Critters

little blue heron photo by Adrienne Zwart
Little Blue Heron, January 2010
Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida

Click on the badge above to view more great animal photos at this week’s Camera Critters post.  Thanks Misty Dawn for hosting such a fun meme.


Chubskulit Rose said…
Oh my gosh, that's gorgeous.

The Flock of Seagull and my family wants to say Happy Weekend!
Snap said…
Just beautiful!

Wishing you well --
Gorgeous picture, Adrienne.. You take fabulous pictures!!! The Blue Heron is a beautiful bird.

Have a great weekend and week ahead. We are headed to Arkansas tomorrow for a week.
LeAnn said…
I love the leaves that frame it in. What a sweet shot of this lovely bird!
Jane said…
Amazing shot of a beautiful bird, thanks for sharing Adrienne:)
Ladynred said…
It's beautiful blue heron!
Adrienne: I was wondering how you saw this in Ohio. What a great photo of the heron.
Dianne said…
beautiful bird
I love they way you framed him
Willard said…
That is a photograph to be proud of, Adrienne.
Müge said…
Very beautiful bird very nicely photographed!
Lona said…
Oh, what a great shot Adrienne. It looks like you sneaked up on it wading.You must have got that on vacation this winter.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Carletta said…
What a wonderful shot!
I love the colors in this.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Kelly said…
Ohhhh...I LOVE the Ding Darling nature preserve. Beautiful photo...I just love these birds.
We love Luna said…
Hello sweet Adrienne!
Always a great surprise your posts!This "big"bird is sooo cute and your picture is perfect!
Have a nice and blessed week there
purrs and love
your friend
Valerie said…
Awesome bird! We actually have one that lives around us and flies thru our yard quite frequently, during the summer time. I just never have my camera ready at the time. Maybe some day - but for now - it is on my wish list - like an eagle!

Praying you are being strengthened and comforted as a family in these days.
Reanaclaire said…
Nice shots over here!
Kerri Farley said…
A wonderful capture!!
Drew said…
I love this! Kind of feels like we're spying on the bird with the foliage just giving us a glimpse.

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