Today’s Flowers – Wingstem

Wing Stem photo by Adrienne in Ohio
Wingstem  (Verbesina alternifolia)     Big Lyons Falls, Mohican State Park    August, 2009

Today's Flowers


Anonymous said…
This is quite beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen it before. But then there is a whole world of flowers and plants that I have never seen. And I would marvel at the odd weeds and consider them roses if seen for the first time. Amazing.
I agree with Abe, Adrienne. I have never seen that one before. It is gorgeous--and you captured it well.

Is there a waterfall at Big Lyons Falls??? Show us a picture of the falls sometime. Thanks!
Carolyn Ford said…
That is beautiful, very beautiful...
amatamari© said…
Is a composition truly magnificent!
Adrienne: That was a beautiful capture for certain.
Kerri Farley said…
I see this a lot in our area...but didn't know what it was called. Now I do thanks to you :)
Lovely capture!!
DeniseinVA said…
It is new to me too. An exquisite flower and another marvelous macros shot. Thanks for sharing it.
Carletta said…
Hi Adrienne,
Beautiful shot and I love the 'postcard' presentation! Lovely quote!

So sorry I'm late getting around to flower posts this week.
Hope you have a great weekend!
This is just gorgeous Adrienne!

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