Orange Skippers

These little fellows were flitting all about the garden last Saturday as I worked. I was glad to get photos, because upon reviewing them I realized they were actually two different species. I find that just watching and photographing is enjoyable, then I worry about identifying them later as I am editing the photographs.
long dash skipper
I just purchased my favorite butterfly field guide, Butterflies of Ohio. I was beginning to wear out the library’s copy, and figured it was time I had one of my own. Both of these skippers enjoy moist meadow and woodland edge habitats, and I happen to have both in my backyard. (Have I mentioned before how much I love our backyard?)
zabulon skipper butterfly photo by Adrienne Zwart
These French marigolds have seen a lot of butterfly activity this past month. I am not always able to find French marigolds each spring, but I got lucky this year. And I’m saving the seeds to start my own next spring.
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Snap said…
Lovely shots. Lovely garden! I bet the library is happy you bought your own copy of Butterflies of Ohio!
Sandy Kessler said…
they got lots of ffresh nectar it looksl ike pretty
Carletta said…
Nice shots!
I don't know one from the other. Even trying to look them up is work for me. :)
Thanks for your hard work for us.
Kelly said…
Interesting! I would not have known those are two different species either from a distance. "Butterflies of Ohio" is my favorite butterfly book also. Narrowing them down to our state makes ID a little easier!
Carol said…
I never realized how beautiful they were until I started photographing them. Nice shots.
Beautiful photos, Adrienne. Love the flowers and butterflies.. Thanks for sharing.
amatamari© said…
Really beautiful these two pictures: I love the yellow and also the summer and butterflies!
Anonymous said…
Very beautiful butterfly. I've never heard of French marigolds. They are very pretty.
Thank you for your kind email about my hummingbird. He must have just been passing through, because I haven't seen him since.
Cezar and Léia said…
oh this little butterfly is fabulous! wow and you know a lot about butterflies!I think the butterflies are enjoying a lot this garden with magnificent flowers!
God bless you
mommy Léia and Luna
Adrienne: Thanks for sharing your information on the skippers. They are a colorful insect on your neat flowers.
Anya said…
Wonderful shots from the butterfly :))))
Have a nice week !!
Willard said…
Some of the species are hard to identify. I'm like you and photography them when I see them and then try to identify them later,
I love the vibrant yellow in the flowers...just beautiful!

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