I ♥ Faces - Sports and "Pets"

Ethan had such a great time this year learning to play T-ball. By the end of the season, he was doing fairly well with batting. Every once in awhile, though, he'd have to use the T. I love the look of concentration on his face in this shot.


I always enjoy an opportunity to post more animal pictures. The rules for the pet category are fairly lenient at I ♥ Faces and allows us to post any animal whether it's a pet or not as long as there's a face. Of course, odds are I'm going to post a bird photo, right?

bluebird in a tree - photo by adrienne in ohio
Eastern Bluebird Male

I ♥ Faces is my friend's photo-sharing blog. Each week features a different category. If you are a photographer, whether amateur or professional, I invite you to check it out and show us your face (click the button below). Each time I participate, I learn so much about perspective, composition and even lighting tips.


Alicia W. said…
Just perfect! Great entries.
Dot O said…
Adrienne, hi! Love that look of concentration - I so remember watching T-ball when my kids were young. Actually, it was sort of like watching paint dry.

The bird is so sweet! Hoping to catch up with my blogging friends this week!
Cathy said…
I love the picture of your son!!! Adorable.
Stylist A said…
Such a cute shot for the Sports in Action shot this week. Also thanks for coming by and leaving comment love. I am pleased to see people from Ohio. My husbands family (who I meet for the first time this christmas) lives in Akron and I am so excited to visit it because I hear it is very different from California. Anyways, great shots! Happy Blogging!!!
Unknown said…
Those are great shots!!!
Annette said…
I just love baseball photos. Aren't those little t-ballers (is that a word) cute? He has such concentration.

I agree, I enjoyed being able to post an animal photo this week. Lovely bluebird.

I always enjoy your blog.
Rosina said…
The little guy looks so focused. It's so great you've captured such a moment!
April said…
You did a fantastic job with both pictures...good luck!
Lori said…
Yes his facial expression makes it!! What a beautiful bird.
Valerie said…
Your pictures are so beautiful. I will certainly be back to browse some more. I am curious about your camera gear. Is it Nikon? I only say that because I use canon and every time I see pictures like yours they are Nikon. How about your lenses. Just curious as you have such a variety of styles of photography.
Your Ethan is such a cutie, Adrienne. He was really concentrating.... Bet he turns out to be a great little baseball player.

The Bluebird is also gorgeous. You KNOW how much I love bluebirds.
Valerie said…
Thanks for the info on your camera. I use a rebel xti and wanted to stick with canon lenses, but won a tamron. I had purchased the 70-200 F/4L canon (about $560), but won a Tamron 18-270 F/3.5-5.6 (about $600).
I did a comparison of the two and was very surprised with the results. I actually like the color from the Tamron better. The Canon moves like butter and seems to be a bit faster, but it's hard to tell which is which. I linked my 2 pictures here.
Mozer said…
Oh I remember those t-ball days. Great capture!
Linda said…
Here I come again with a stupid Brit questions! What is the T - is it the pole that the ball is balanced on? Is it not always used? What's the difference between T ball and baseball?

Technicalities aside, this is such a great shot - all that concentration and determination and energy.
Unknown said…
I didn't see your picture last week. I love them. How cute is your little t baller : ). So cute.

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