Camera Critters - Bluebird

Not the greatest photo, but my first sighting of a bluebird in Ohio this summer. We'll be going back to this park several times to see the succession of the wildflowers. Hopefully, I will have a better photo opportunity for the bluebird pair next time.


If you enjoy animals, check out other bloggers' submissions over at Camera Critters.


Carletta said…
The blue is a great contrast with the yellow flowers!
I like the shot.
Cezar and Léia said…
outstanding picture, this bird is wonderful!
happy camera critters
Luna(from Brazil)
Oh Adrienne, Glad you finally got to see a Bluebird up there... HOpefully, now you will see MANY more... Keep looking and keep those pictures coming.

Hope you and your family have and are having a great 4th.
Deejbrown said…
All that gold belongs to the bluebird! Lovely photo!
Brooke said…
What a lovely shade of blue he is!
Kelly said…
I think this is a beautiful photo. The gold flowers...the green leaves on the trees...and the blue bird all come together for a stunning composition!
Indrani said…
Lovely colorful shot.
Anonymous said…
I would be totally surprised to see one of those down here in my backyard. I wonder, sometimes, how many years I would live or how old I might be before that happens.
i beati said…
just the way I remember him Sigh Sandy
Super pretty photo!
Sara Chapman said…
I have never seen a bluebird here in the Pacific Northwest. Such a lovely, well composed photo. Thanks so much for stopping by, also.
Unknown said…
I really like this picture because I love the different colors you captured. The blue bird, the blue skies, the gray wooden pole and the sunny yellow flowers. So pretty!
Marci's World said…
I love your bird and flower pictures. They are so fresh, so carefully crafted yet feels so casual.

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