Camera Critters - This One's For the Girls

In some species, the male and female birds are identical. But for many, the female bird's plumage is usually understated--some might even say "drab." It's all for a purpose, though: helping them blend into their surroundings as they sit on a nest.

So today, this post's for the girls.

female cardinal photo by Adrienne in Ohio

redwinged blackbird female photo by Adrienne Zwart
Red-winged Blackbird

black and white woodpecker photo by Adrienne Zwart
Downy Woodpecker

female housefinch photo by Adrienne in Ohio
House Finch

female goldfinch photo by Adrienne in Ohio
American Goldfinch

Camera Critters is a weekly photography-sharing meme created by Misty Dawn for all of us who can't get enough of animal photography. Check it out, and even submit your own photo if you like. Have a great weekend everybody!


wow, what a nice bird. There are singing birds here in Thailand. Is this bird singing too?

Here's my link:
Adrienne Zwart said…
Hmmm, Princess Sarah. I don't know if the females sing. I'll have to look that up.
Lona said…
Such great shots. I know there is a purpose to the males bright feathers but some of the differences of color between the sexes are so cruel :-) The female red winged black bird got so left out.
Hi, glad to be here. Hope you will visit my post too.
Here's my link:
Indrani said…
Wow! You got many pretty girls, all in a row! :)
jabblog said…
Sometimes a quiet beauty is more arresting than flamboyance - that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. LOL!!
i beati said…
excellent reopresentation
I never knew that was why the females are drab!

Gorgeous photos.
Yeah for the girls, Adrienne. The female red-winged blackbird looks a little like the female rose-breasted grosbeak.. I'm amazed that those two famale birds can look SO different from the males.

Now--the next hardest part is to distinguish all of the juvenile birds!!!! Yipes!!!!

Hope you are having a great day.
Adrienne: They are all very pretty but the males show off in the bird world for good reason.
Kerri Farley said…
These are beautiful Girls!!
Carletta said…
Wonderful shots!
The female red-winged is new to me - thanks for sharing her. (I haven't been bird watching long.)
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
Snap said…
And aren't the girls gorgeous!

Wonderful! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Great shots. I love the rain in the first one.

My critters are here today:
Staci said…
I love all your photos - but I especially love the birds; they sing songs I never get tired of hearing. More birds please! :)
Sharon said…
Great photos!! I can relate with all of these females...I don't really like to stand out either.
Bruce said…
No need to get dressed up fancy for me...these girls are all beautiful:)
April said…
These are all such lovely birds! Sweet photo of the house finch!
Drew said…
Wouldn't it be nice to be a bird? No makeup, fancy clothes, primping or anything...nope, in the bird world it's good to be plain. Life would be so much easier. :)
Oskar said…
My favorite is the Hairy Woopecker. I like her spiky hair!
Brooke said…
Lovely shots! Birds aren't the easiest of subjects to get photos of but you did well.
Luna said…
Hello dear Adrienne
Stunning post! I loved all birds pictures! They are really cute!
Have a nice week, and be happy!
purrs and love
Shelley said…
Great tribute to the females - they are still beauties!!
Willard said…
An excellent idea, devoting a post to the "lady" birds. I enjoyed it very much.
Unknown said…
I like the girls : ) They aren't quite as flashy! But, I know how hard girls work, so they are winners in my book! Flash or no flash! : )
Anonymous said…
Nice batch of birds. I like them all and have them here too.
Deejbrown said…
Here! Here! We always hear about the flashy boys, don't we? You are so right to showcase them; in fact, I am going to search them out more now. Thanks!

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