Camera Critters - Meet Rosie
Wednesday, on our way to the hotel in Boulder, we stopped at the Butterly Pavillion in Denver, CO . There were lots of amazing butterflies, but what made this stop so memorable for me was stepping completely out of my comfort zone to hold a tarantula.
The keeper had me sit in front of her and hold my hands out on my lap. When I asked, "Will it tickle?" she placed her hand underneath mine and said "probably a little." :) She laid the spider in my hand and I was shocked. I was expecting her to feel stiff and bristly, but she was so soft in my hand.
When I asked if I could stroke her back with my finger, the keeper was quick to explain why I couldn't. When frightened or threatened (which is what she would have felt if I tried to pet her), tarantulas raise their hind legs and expel those hairs onto their attacker. The hairs have an irritant on them and can cause itching for days. I sure was glad I asked first! :)
You know me: I absolutely love to learn something new. Rosie is a South American rosehaired tarantula. And her hair really was a rosy color. Beautiful...well, if you can describe a spider as beautiful. She was fascinating.
Rather than pick her up, the keeper gently touched her hind legs till Rosie had walked from my hand into hers. I used to be terrified of spiders when I was a child. Well, actually until I had kids of my own and I became the go-to person when a spider invaded one of their bedrooms. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of them now, but I do not enjoy sharing my living quarters with the creatures. I don't think I'll be adding a pet tarantula to the household, but it sure was fascinating to hold her and watch her.
If spiders aren't your thing, head over to Camera Critters to view more furry types of creatures. And here's my shout out to Misty Dawn, the creator of Camera Critters marking one year of hosting her great meme. Thanks Misty!
The keeper had me sit in front of her and hold my hands out on my lap. When I asked, "Will it tickle?" she placed her hand underneath mine and said "probably a little." :) She laid the spider in my hand and I was shocked. I was expecting her to feel stiff and bristly, but she was so soft in my hand.
When I asked if I could stroke her back with my finger, the keeper was quick to explain why I couldn't. When frightened or threatened (which is what she would have felt if I tried to pet her), tarantulas raise their hind legs and expel those hairs onto their attacker. The hairs have an irritant on them and can cause itching for days. I sure was glad I asked first! :)
You know me: I absolutely love to learn something new. Rosie is a South American rosehaired tarantula. And her hair really was a rosy color. Beautiful...well, if you can describe a spider as beautiful. She was fascinating.
Rather than pick her up, the keeper gently touched her hind legs till Rosie had walked from my hand into hers. I used to be terrified of spiders when I was a child. Well, actually until I had kids of my own and I became the go-to person when a spider invaded one of their bedrooms. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of them now, but I do not enjoy sharing my living quarters with the creatures. I don't think I'll be adding a pet tarantula to the household, but it sure was fascinating to hold her and watch her.
If spiders aren't your thing, head over to Camera Critters to view more furry types of creatures. And here's my shout out to Misty Dawn, the creator of Camera Critters marking one year of hosting her great meme. Thanks Misty!
Hubby hates spiders, so that (and snakes) was a pet the kiddos could not have.
Happy Critturday!
Tink *~*~*
Critters on the Castle: The White Rabbit
I really like your header.